The Ambassador

A Monégasque who was educated in London at the French Lycée, H.E. Mrs. Evelyne Genta has lived in the UK for the past 15 years.
In 2011, she became Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to the Court of St. James’s to the United Kingdom which promotes all facets of the Principality: economy and finance, culture, humanitarian and environmental projects. Central to her core ambitions is to change any misconceptions people may have about the Principality.
The Principality has many incentives: no personal income tax, good schools and health care, the Côte d'Azur climate, a low crime rate, and Nice airport "only 20 minutes away by car and six minutes away by helicopter''.
H.E. Mrs. Evelyne Genta has maintained a distinguished and glittering career in both the public and private sectors. Her first job in 1976 was to represent Monaco’s leisure and business travel interests abroad, working for the Société des Bains de Mer Resort (SBM Monte-Carlo) - established in 1863 by Prince Charles III of Monaco - on London’s Bond Street.
Between 1983 and 1999, H.E. Mrs. Evelyne Genta and her husband ran, developed and sold the world famous designer watch brand Gerald Genta. During this highly innovative venture, the Ambassador managed two factories in Switzerland with 250 employees, developed new markets in Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
In 2012, H.E. Mrs. Evelyne Genta is appointed Non-Resident Ambassador of Monaco to the Republic of Kazakhstan.
She is also President of the UK Branch of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation which is famous for its dedicated work for the protection of the environment.