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Embassy news

4 December 2024

The Embassy of Monaco in London welcomes CFM Indosuez

On the 3rd December, the Embassy of Monaco in London hosted seven representatives from CFM Indosuez as part of an event aimed at promoting the attractions of the Principality to influential members of the English-speaking community and encouraging them to consider establishing themselves there. Around thirty participants attended the reception.
4th European Political Community Summit

22 July 2024

4th European Political Community Summit

On July 18th 2024, H.E. Mrs. Evelyne Genta attended the 4th European Political Community Summit as part of a Monegasque delegation led by H.E. Mr. Pierre Dartout, Minister of State of the Principality.
Monaco Economic Board in London for an Economic Mission

20 June 2024

Monaco Economic Board in London for an Economic Mission

From the 10th to 10th 12 June, the Monaco Economic Board visited the British capital for an economic mission under the patronage of H.E. Mrs. Evelyne Genta. Representatives from 44 Monegasque companies participated with the aim of growing their relationships and business all the whilst promoting Monaco's advantages to potential investors.
The Embassy of Monaco in London welcomes CFM Indosuez

24 October 2023

The Embassy of Monaco in London welcomes CFM Indosuez

On Thursday 19th October 2023, the Embassy of Monaco in London welcomed representatives of CFM Indosuez for a reception. CFM’s main purpose was to promote Monaco to very important people from the British business community and to encourage them to settle in Monaco. Around twenty people attended the reception.

International News

Une « symphonie méditerranéenne » à l'UNESCO
20 January 2025

Une « symphonie méditerranéenne » à l'UNESCO

S. E. Mme Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire, Déléguée permanente de la Principauté de Monaco © Cyril Bailleul Le 16 janvier, les Représentations Permanentes de Monaco, de la Grèce, de l'Égypte et du Maroc ont organisé un concert exceptionnel de la compositrice Evanthia REBOUTSIKA, intitulé « Une Symphonie Méditerranéenne », au siège de l’UNESCO à Paris. Présenté par l’acteur d'origine grecque Georges CORRAFACE, l’événement a rassemblé un large public dans la grande salle du siège de l'Organisation. Evanthia REBOUTSIKA, reconnue comme une véritable « ambassadrice » de la musique et de la culture, a consacré sa carrière à explorer la richesse des cultures méditerranéennes, unies par cette mer qui relie les peuples de la région du sud de l'Europe, des Balkans à l'Afrique, de Suez à Gibraltar. Une « Symphonie Méditerranéenne » propose une expérience musicale unique, portée par deux chanteurs originaires du bassin méditerranéen, l'un grec et l'autre marocain. Ce voyage sonore véhicule un puissant message de paix, transcendant les frontières linguistiques ou culturelles par des mélodies universelles. La musique devient ici un vecteur de dialogue entre les nations. Ce concert, organisé au lendemain de l'annonce d'un cessez-le-feu à Gaza, résonne comme un hymne à la coexistence pacifique des nations.Ainsi, quatre pays méditerranéens ont-ils uni leurs efforts pour mettre en œuvre cet événement de diplomatie culturelle célébrant l'unité dans la diversité de la Méditerranée.  S. E. Monsieur Alaa Youssef, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire en France, Délégué Permanent de la République Arabe d'Egypte ; S. E. Mme Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire, Déléguée permanente de la Principauté de Monaco; Mme Stefania Giannini, Sous Directrice Générale de l'UNESCO pour l'Education, S.E. Monsieur Georgios Koumoutsakos, Délégué Permanent de la République hellénique auprès de l'UNESCO S. E. Monsieur Samir Addahre Ambassadeur, Délégué Permanent du Royaume du Maroc © Cyril Bailleul
La Principauté renforce sa présence en marge du World Economic Forum de Davos 2025 grâce à un lieu dédié : la Monaco House
16 January 2025

La Principauté renforce sa présence en marge du World Economic Forum de Davos 2025 grâce à un lieu dédié : la Monaco House

Monaco House at Davos World Economic Forum ©DR Alors qu’une participation record est attendue pour la 55ème édition du World Economic Forum (WEF), la Principauté de Monaco renforcera sa présence à Davos le 23 janvier 2025 en organisant une journée dédiée à promouvoir ses initiatives en matière d’innovation, de durabilité et d’attractivité au sein de la Monaco House.Le WEF est un événement annuel incontournable qui réunit plus de 2.500 leaders mondiaux économiques et politiques pour réfléchir aux défis globaux et identifier des solutions novatrices. Cette année le thème sera « Collaborer à l’ère de l’intelligence ».La Monaco House positionne la Principauté comme un territoire d’opportunités auprès des leaders influents présents à DavosDans le cadre du déplacement de Son Altesse Sérénissime Le Prince Albert II au WEF, la Cellule Attractivité du Gouvernement Princier, aux côtés de la Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco renforce sa présence à Davos en organisant la Monaco House. Grâce à la participation de l’Association Monégasque des Activités Financières, de la Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, du Monaco Economic Board, du Monaco Private Label et des acteurs de l’attractivité, c’est l’ensemble de l’écosystème de l’attractivité monégasque qui sera représenté pour la première fois à Davos.La journée proposera un programme comprenant : • des prises de paroles et des panels avec des entrepreneurs, investisseurs, ou leaders politiques, partageant leur expertise sur des thèmes comme l’intelligence artificielle, l’économie bleue ou l’investissement.• des rencontres stratégiques favorisant des échanges clés entre les participants du WEF et les représentants monégasques de l’attractivité.Cet évènement se tiendra dans un pavillon dédié au cœur de Davos. Cette plateforme privilégiée entre des personnalités influentes mondiales et des représentants de la Principauté a pour objectif de : • promouvoir le modèle unique et les atouts de la Principauté ; • favoriser des partenariats stratégiques ;• faire rayonner la Principauté sur la scène internationale en mettant en lumière sa position de hub innovant en Europe, engagé pour un avenir responsable. Pour plus d’informations, merci de contacter :Mlle Léa Calori au 98 98 22 13 ou lcalori@hotmail.fr#MonacoHouse #MonacoDay #WEF #WEF2025 #GouvernementPrincer #FPA2Monaco House 2025 – AGENDA KEYNOTE SPEECH nanoFlowcell and Post-Quantum Cryptography08:30 - 09:00 NETWORKING NETWORKING BREAKFAST09:00 - 10:00 KEYNOTE SPEECH AI, Machine Learning, and the Future of Ocean Exploration 10:00 - 10:20Fabien Cousteau, Ocean Conservationist and Aquanaut DISCUSSION 10:30 - 10:45 Monaco and the Shipping Industry Patricia Osborne, Managing Director of Moore Stephens Monaco & Member of the Monaco Chamber of Shipping Moderator:Chloé Boscagli, Director of Monaco Private Label (MPL) DISCUSSION Investing in Nature – Asset Owners Perspectives 11:00 - 12:00 Antje Biber, Head of SDG Office of FERI AG Romain Ciarlet, Executive Director of Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Erik Brunn Bindslev, CEO of Merika Moderator:Kevin Tayebaly, Co-Founder of ChangeNow DISCUSSION Harnessing Innovation from Monaco: Leadership Insights on Transforming the Energy Sector for a Sustainable Future 12:00 - 12:30 Peter Kutemann, Founder & Chairman of DIETSMANN Cesare Canevese, CEO of DIETSMANN Moderator:Justin Highman, Deputy CEO of Monaco Economic Board (MEB) DISCUSSION Clean Energy: A Pillar for Europe's Prosperity, Growth, Jobs, and Innovation 13:00 - 13:30 Ann Mettler, Vice President of Breakthrough Energy, EuropeMajed Sherbiny, CEO of Sherbiny Moderator:Irina Gorbounova, Vice President M&A and Head of XCarb Innovation Fund, ArcelorMittal Ltd DISCUSSION 14:00 – 14:30 2025 World View and Implications for Europe & the US Larry Summers, Former U.S. Treasury Secretary | Professor at Harvard University | Speaker on Economy and Policy Moderator:Tassos Economou, Founder of iGrow KEYNOTE SPEECH - Q&A The World In 2025: Investing In An Era of Transformations 14:30 - 15:00Wei Li, Managing Director & Global Chief Investment Strategist for BlackRock DISCUSSION Collaboration for the Intelligent Age: Monaco as a Key Hub for Global Investors and Entrepreneurs 15:00 - 15:30 Robert Laure, Chairman of the Monegasque Association of Financial Activities (AMAF) Xavier de Sarrau, Managing Partner of Gordon S. Blair Monaco Moderator:Rhett Power, Forbes Editor DISCUSSION Shaping the Future of Luxury: A Dialogue with Leaders and Experts 15:30 - 16:00 Clarisse Magnin-Mallez, Managing Partner of McKinsey & Company France Albert Manzone, Managing Director, Groupe Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer Moderator:Rhett Power, Forbes Editor DISCUSSION Powering the Future: Breakthroughs in Quantum Technology and Sustainable Energy 16:00 - 16:20 David Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of The Carlyle Group Jack Hidary, CEO of SandboxAQ Moderator:Tassos Economou, Founder of iGrow DISCUSSION Bahrain and Monaco: Building Powerful Country Brands in a Globalized World 16:30 - 16:45 H.E. Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Minister of Finance and National Economy of BahrainFrédéric Genta, Monaco Secretary of Attractiveness, Development and Digital Transformation Moderator:Chloé Boscagli, Director of Monaco Private Label (MPL) DISCUSSION Leveraging Ocean Innovation for a More Sustainable Blue Economy 17:00 - 17:15 Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou, Greek Prime Minister's Special Envoy for the Ocean Oliver Wenden, VP and CEO of Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Bertrand Piccard, Initiator & Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation Moderator:Chloé Boscagli, Director of Monaco Private Label (MPL) CLOSING REMARKS CLOSING REMARKS BY H.S.H. PRINCE ALBERT II 17:20 - 17:30 COCKTAIL EVENT MONACO PRIVATE LABEL18:30 - 21:30
The Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to the Holy See presents a Monegasque postage stamp bearing the logo of the “Pilgrims of Hope” 2025 Jubilee to His Holiness Pope Francis
2 January 2025

The Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to the Holy See presents a Monegasque postage stamp bearing the logo of the “Pilgrims of Hope” 2025 Jubilee to His Holiness Pope Francis

Timbre Pélerins d'Espérance To commemorate the Holy Year 2025, the Principality has issued a postage stamp bearing the logo of the “Pilgrims of Hope” Jubilee*.On 18 December, H.E. Mr Philippe Orengo, Ambassador of the Principality to the Holy See, had the honour of personally presenting to His Holiness Pope Francis a triptych made for him, containing the stamp, the first day cover, and a strip of ten stamps with luminous highlights, bearing the title “Holy Year 2025 declared by Pope Francis”. H.E. Mr Orengo also presented a special philately insert, symbolically numbered ‘2025’ and containing an example of the stamp as well as samples of stamps issued for the Holy Year 2000 representing the Twelve Apostles.This gesture is an expression for the Most Holy Father of the utmost commitment of the Principality, the official religion of which is Catholicism, to this great event in the life of the Church**. *The stamp is available at the Stamp Issuing Office.**In the Archdiocese of Monaco, the opening ceremonies of the Jubilee will be held on 11 January 2025 in the Cathedral.
Monaco attends the 176th session of the FAO Council
19 December 2024

Monaco attends the 176th session of the FAO Council

176ème session du Conseil de la FAO © DR Representatives from the Principality of Monaco headed to Rome from 2 to 6 December to observe the 176th session of the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO).During this session, decisions concerning the alarming situation in Gaza, where the entire population is suffering from acute food insecurity, and further decisions regarding the war in Ukraine's impact on global food security were widely agreed upon.  The FAO is striving to respond to these crises by taking action to strengthen the resilience of local food systems. The FAO Council also unanimously approved a series of measures relating to the FAO's emergency response to crises, particularly in Lebanon where, according to the latest data, the worsening agricultural and food security situations remain grave concerns.To mark the FAO's 80th anniversary and following the Directorate General's call for institutional renewal, the Council agreed to hold informal consultations in the first quarter of 2025 on issues surrounding reforming the organisation, for which Monaco will be participating, ahead of the 44th session of the Conference to be held next summer.The Principality has endorsed several statements made by the European Union on issues relating to global food security and agriculture and the FAO's current and future actions.For reference, the FAO Council, comprising 49 rotating members, acts as the organisation's executive body. 

Quick access

The Ambassador

A Monégasque who was educated in London at the French Lycée, H.E. Mrs. Evelyne Genta has lived in the UK for the past 15 years.

In 2011, she became Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to the Court of St. James’s to the United Kingdom which promotes all facets of the Principality: economy and finance, culture, humanitarian and environmental projects. Central to her core ambitions is to change any misconceptions people may have about the Principality:
‘Many think Monaco is a place where rich old people go to hide their money’, says H.E. Mrs. Evelyne Genta. ‘That's not true, but that old image has stuck like glue and we have to change it . Monaco is a wonderful place to live but is also a transparent regulated country.'

The Embassy

As a continuously innovative, culturally rich and developing country, Monaco wishes to engage with international community more freely and showcase its great heritage, diversity and wide-ranging expertise to the world.

Through communicating and acting abroad, Monaco can present all its facets, expanding relationships and quantifying its future in the process.

The United Kingdom and Monaco

The Principality has long held a unique bond with the UK. We are very close geographically and almost 15% of those living and working in Monaco are British. It is important to allow that special relationship to thrive by building bridges between the London and Monegasque communities. In return we have seen record numbers of new people, including young families, registering an interest in moving to the Principality and bringing their business with them.

In 2008, our Chamber for Economic Development signed a co-operation agreement with the London Chamber of Commerce.

Information and Services

In this section, you will find all of the useful information and services you need to visit or live in United Kingdom, get assistance in the event of an emergency once you are in the country, and finally, to visit and/or move to Monaco.

Destination Monaco


Monaco Embassy to United Kingdom

7, Upper Grosvenor Street
W1K 2LX Londres
United Kingdom